Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Swimming in Slacktivity

Totally without motivation... I've had rough spots before, but the last week has been something really out of the ordinary. I don't want to work. I mean, if it wasn't for the wife and the mortgage, I'd probably be checking out my options as a hobo. Somewhere between hobo and hipster, but definitely some sort of slacker sub-group. I stare at my computer screens and just can't pull it together. It's not like I work in a bad place. My boss is nice, my coworkers are pleasant. The president of the company is a good person. I'm about as un-oppressed as possible. Still, its taking everything I got to write an email or issue a quote or enter an order. I'm hoping that by writing about it, I'll get my head straight. Thanks for reading. AC

Friday, August 26, 2011

"A Secret Life" By Stephen Dunn

I saw the following poem in Garrison Keilor's book "Good Poems".
I really identified with the need for a secret life,and thought this
belonged in an anonymous blog.

A Secret Life

Why you need to have one
is not much more mysterious than
why you don't say what you think
at the birth of an ugly baby.
Or, you've just made love
and feel you'd rather have been
in a dark booth where your partner
was nodding, whispering yes, yes,
you're brilliant. The secret life
begins early, is kept alive
by all that's unpopular
in you, all that you know
a Baptist, say, or some other
accountant would object to.
It becomes what you'd most protect
if the government said you can protect
one thing, all else is ours.
When you write late at night
it's like a small fire
in a clearing, it's what
radiates and what can hurt
if you get too close to it.
It's why your silence is a kind of truth.
Even when you speak to your best friend,
the one who'll never betray you,
you always leave out one thing;
a secret life is that important.

1st Post...about this blog

So for 3 and half years I blogged on Call Center Purgatory about my experiences working in a bad call center.

Since that time, I found a good job at a company that cares about their employees. It's not perfect, but the difference between the two companies is like Heaven and Hell.

When I stopped writing Call Center Purgatory, I knew I would eventually want to have an anonymous blog again, so I claimed this site before it was gone. For those of you that are not Christians, or are turned off by Christian blogs, no need to worry, I don't intend to blog about Christian topics all the time. My faith is part of my worldview, but it's not all that I want to write about. I appreciate non-Christian literature and music and media, so please keep reading.

Lately I have been feeling that kind of malaise I felt at the call center when I knew something was not right, that kind of deep malaise that doesn't go away after a vacation. I knew it was time to start blogging again...

Please stay tuned.